Monday, March 30, 2009
Gymkhana Elections reinstated
The election will be held on Friday, 03th April 2009 in the respective halls of residence from 4:00 p.m. onwards.
Polling Booths and Timing of Election:
4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - AZ, NH, PH, HJB, JCB, SDS/MMM, HK/MMM, DSK/MMM, LLR, MS, RK, RP, SN-IG, MT, RLB, VS (each hall to have its own election booth)
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - Gokhale Hall (Students of SAM, Radar Flats and VSRC to cast their votes in the Gokhale Hall booth)
As decided in the said meeting, Hall-to-Hall campaigning is considered to be over. Only the soap boxes for the VP and the various General Secretaries will be organized.
New SOPBOX Schedule:
31/3/09 -
G. Sec (Sports and Games) - 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
G. Sec (Technology) - 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
01/4/09 -
G. Sec (Soc. & Cult.) - 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Vice President - 8 p.m. onwards
Venue: Second Basketball Court
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Against Friday's (27th) protest
One Man Enquiry Committee: A portfolio of (Retd.) Justice U.C.Banerjee
Justice Banerjee was appointed as the one-man panel by the UPA, the ruling coalition, to investigate the infamous Godhra train burning case where 59 karsevaks, or Hindu volunteers, were burnt to death. In a fiercely controversial decision, he ruled out the possibility of miscreants setting fire to the compartments or any external fire of any kind. This is what Frontline magazine had to say about Justice Banerjee's findings:
"The Banerjee committee ... rules out the possibility of any inflammable liquid being responsible for the fire, as there was first a smell of burning and then a smoke and flames, which would not be the case if inflammable fluid were used. "The inflammable liquid theory gets negated by the statement of some of the passengers who suffered injuries on the upper portion of the body and not the lower body and who crawled towards the door on elbows and could get out without much injury", says the Banerjee report. " ... "The committee has noted the forensic laboratory's experiment and verified its conclusion that it was impossible to set fire to the train from outside", Banerjee concluded. Eliminating the "petrol theory", the "miscreant theory" and the possibility of an electrical fire, the committee said that the burning was an "accidental fire". But it gave no reason why it could have been an "accidental fire"...... "
There was a huge uproar over this seemingly improbable theory and the BJP made a hue and cry over the report being "politically motivated". Later, the Nanavati Commission, appointed by the Gujarat Government said that the findings of Justice Bannerjee were false and that the train was set on fire by a mob, as part of a pre-meditated conspiracy.
As of October 13, 2006, the Gujarat High Court ruled formation of UC Banerjee committee "illegal" and "unconstitutional". As of now, all of its probe results stay invalid.
Justice Banerjee has also been on the investigative panel for several other high-profile cases like the Vayudoot air crash near Guwahati of 1989 and the Indian Airlines Aircraft crash at Imphal in 1991.
Apparently, the students have decided. In a gathering of 5th year students at Veggies yesterday night, it was clear that the students are unsatified with Justice Banerjee's appointment. A letter was drafted at the meeting itself, addressed to the Acting Director, indicating the students' disapproval. The students opine that should Justice Banerjee investigate this affair, the findings may not be unbiased.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Although there have been notices put up in our halls regarding a new schedule for the Technology and Sports event it is speculated that after a meeting the Representatives from the Halls of residences have decided to discontinue GC for all the three: Soc-n-cult, Sports and Technology i.e. no GC would be given to any hall. It is also rumored that the events will take place as per the revised schedule in case of Sports and Technology like Open IITs and a particular team may consist of players from more than one hall as well!! All this news is unofficial and yet to be confirmed by an authority. Please refrain from spreading rumors….
Justice Umesh C. Banerjee appointed as the one man enquiry committee
Justice Umesh C. Banerjee, Former Chief Justice, Andhra Pradesh High Court and Former Judge, Supreme Court of India has been appointed as one man enquiry committee by the Board of Governors “to enquire into the unfortunate incident that took place at IIT Kharagpur on 22nd March 2009 and to examine whether there was any lapse on the part of B.C. Roy Technology Hospital or not”.
Through a written correspondence to Mr. Banerjee (Memo no. ESTT/149/2009 dated March 25, 2009), the institute has requested him to complete the enquiry and submit the report within 30 days.
The institute will arrange for all assistance in the enquiry, including expenses.
Institute Report to HRD Ministry: Passing the Buck ? ?
"Rohit died because of delays in providing medical assistance, not because of any negligence by the administration as alleged by students, the IIT’s report to the human resource development ministry suggests."
This is the same old story all over again.... last year, too, the institute was quick to acquire the signature of deceased student Anshu Gupta's parents on the documents which effectively relieved them from any responsibility. And by the way, doesn't the institute stand to be responsible for "delays in providing medical assistance" ? B.C.Roy is the Institute's hospital, after all!
The second troubling aspect is the possibility of Dr. Damodar Acharya's possible return as the Director of the institute.
" “It does not mention forcible resignation, but the language of the report suggests that the director’s resignation was forced, not voluntary,” an official said. "
The article states that the Ministry has yet to accept Acharya's resignation... and also that Arjun Singh has to approve before anything is finalised. But what we feel is the most insidious thing about this is the following line:
"Some officials here are considering asking him to return to the post once tempers on the campus cool down...."
Not only does this report refuse to apportion blame to anyone.... it even explores the possibility of the former director's return!
STUDENT'S REACTION: As news of this report has filtered down to the students since the morning, they are naturally, in a state of agitation and outrage. The DC Mainchat has been more murderous than usual, and senior students are feeling cheated. This is natural.... expected even, but we urge the students to remain calm, and not do anything immature, or violent.
Yet another negligence(UPDATED)

As we lament the tragic death of Rohit Kumar..... let us not forget that another one among us, is seriously ill and is in need of our help and prayers. Gaurav Tomar, 5th year student of the Civil Engineering department was admitted into the hospital two days before Holi, after complaining of a fever. After 6 days at B.C. Roy Hospital, where he was variously diagnosed with illnesses ranging from typhoid to urinary infection..... he was moved, by his friends, to Apollo Hospital in Delhi where he is currently undergoing treatment for malignant malaria. He is currently on dialysis and in the ICU. This is yet another shocking example of the negligence rampant at the B.C. Roy Hospital. It was the timely intervention of Gaurav's family and friends which has given him even this chance. Here on campus, there has been an initiatove by the students to provide funds for his ongoing treatment, making use of the Student Brotherhood Fund. It goes without saying that we should all sign the petition which is being sent to the halls, which will be used for the same. All of us hope and pray for Gaurav to get well soon.
The Politics of Protest
If we are not careful, all that might change in the future.
The student unions affiliated with the CPM and the other political bigwigs in the state are looking for an excuse to gain a foothold in the IIT campus. Once that bridge is crossed, the floodgates will be wide open. In this regard, the role of the students is pivotal. As the postgrad students are more susceptible to being influenced by these political sharks, they have much greater responsibilities than the BTechs in this regards. They are uniquely susceptible to being influenced by these political sharks... as they have, in many cases, come from colleges where a high degree of political activity was quite normal. Therefore, we must unite and make sure that this plague does not invade our institute.
Medical Help? not so far....
1. (compiled by Kota Nagarjuna Rao and Shubendu Panigrahi)
Elections suspended till further notice
Following the meeting that the V.P., TSG and the Hall Presidents had on 24th March with the Preident, TSG and Mr. M.K. Laha (Election Officer), it has been decided to keep the process of the election of the office bearers of the TSG for the year 2009-10 in abeyance until further notice.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What's True & What's Not ? (updated)
Written apology by HPs: NO apology has been given to the Director by HPs in regards to the student actions during the protest. As quoted by one of the HPs-"We are facing the anguish from students of some halls regarding the apology issue. I don't know how but few people are spreading the wrong news in the student community. We haven't apolgised to the Director."
Meeting of super-final years
• A follow-up committee will be setup, consisting of a student from each hall, to assure the timely & efficient implementation of the proposed solutions & proposals. Currently it is proposed that the student be a 4th yr dual degree student because he/she has the experience as well as he/she will stay here for the next year too.
• This committee will ensure that all the students must be updated with the proceedings on a periodic basis (weekly/fortnightly). This may be done through an open house where the committee will address the students or alternatively students might be addressed in their respective halls (exact way would be decided soon)
• Initially this committee will only look after the improvements regarding Hospital & health care facilities, but it would later evolve to take on other student related issues also and would assist the administration in the developments (on line of the place-coms etc.)
• One of the immediate concerns that were addressed in this meeting was the timely (monetary) assistance to the Family of Gaurav Tomar (who is being currently treated at Apollo Hospital, Delhi). The institute brotherhood fund would be used for the purpose (although to have money instantly, it is decided that a sum of Rs.100 per student would be deducted from each student's mess fee for the same)
• It was also discussed that the 4th yrs & 5th yrs of all the hall will have meetings with their juniors (1st, 2nd & 3rd yrs) to make them aware of the situation and make them understand that many things were completely uncalled for during the protest, and that they should not be repeated
• RTI tool could be possibly used to get the necessary information. It was also discussed to involve the Alumni and efforts were being made to contact alumnus through Alumni cell and individually
These points were discussed again with the HPs, VP & UG representative. More such meetings are supposed to be held sooner and we will keep updating you as soon as possible. Keep visiting this blog.
What newspapers say?
The Hindu :
The Statesman:
The Times of India: http://timesofindia.
The Telegraph:
Fate of Elections and GC unknown
Press release
Rohit Kumar, a third year student of IIT Kharagpur, was regularly visiting the institute hospital since the last three days on account of chronic headaches. On his way back to the hostel on the third day he fainted and fell off a cycle rickshaw and sustained serious injuries.
He was again rushed to the hospital, upon which it was decided that he should be taken to Kolkata. However, on the way, his situation deteriorated and he was instead taken to Midnapore, where he was unfortunately declared brought dead.
This incident triggered off strong emotive response from the students as they felt that the medical facilities were inadequate. The students immediately met the authorities and lodged their strong protest. The institute has expressed its condolences to Rohit's family and friends. The administration took note of the issues and met the student general body and assured them and laid out a plan in which they would work together with the students towards improving on campus medical facilities.
Although the press release had many omissions, like the resignations of the Director and the DOSA, and the three-hour delay in issuing of the ambulance; it should be understood by the student community that not everything should be disclosed to the media, as this will only add negative impacts to the whole episode.
Clearly, the institute did not mention the gory details about the vandalizing of the Director's bungalow and car. We would also like to state that this release was only the proposed one and could have been modified later.
What went wrong...
everything we missed... which could have alleviated some of the pain we now associate with Black Sunday. These are not meant to be nitpicking criticism, but rather an honest assessment of what could have been done....and more importantly, what we must do now.
1. The first, and we think, the most vital aspect of this whole affair which has been largely overlooked, is the question of Rohit's body and the convenience of his family. While people were getting carried away by their outrage and anger, (which was no doubt, valid and justified) some people should have diverted their energies towards ensuring that Rohit's kith and kin faced no difficulty of any sort.... unfortunately, our actions in this regard left a lot to be desired....
2. Like the first Open House, this one too ended in chaos and confusion. Random groups of people started to charge to the stage and held forth on whatever they felt like spewing. This ended the meeting prematurely and not many concrete conclusions could be reached...that is, if you discount the spate of resignations....which are ultimately not a part of the solution and served merely to assuage the rage of the mob. This Open House, which could have been a giant step towards real reform...shall go down as yet another golden opportunity missed.
3. There have been random calls for boycotting classes and so forth... but we think that this is pointless, and in the long term severely detrimental to our own interests. If the academic calendar is interrupted, the very fabric of our existence shall be distorted... and life on campus could perhaps never be the same again.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Meeting the Acting Director
1. On B.C. Roy Hospital: Prof. Chakraborty said that Dr.B. Ray, the General Manager of TMH(Tata Main Hospital) would arrive on campus shortly to assess the state of the B.C.Roy hospital, and what needs to be done in order to upgrade it.
2. On vacant positions: No decision regarding this can be made without the approval of the Board of Directors. Mr. B.Muthuraman, the Chairman of the Board, is currently abroad. The same holds true for the Enquiry Committee.
3. Academic calendar: The academic calendar will not suffer, and classes shall be resumed from tomorrow.
4. Regarding distorted reports in the media: The press release made by the Acting Director(you can see the minutes of the meeting by scrolling down) shall be treated as the authentic version.
Candle-light march by students

What's True & What's Not
Here then, are a few points which all of us must prioritise... as responsible students of IIT Kharagpur.
Rumours must NOT be spread.... the inflammatory power of word-of-mouth is significant. Therefore, we urge you NOT to lay credence to any stray bit of news you might listen. Following are a few examples...
1. Rohit's epilepsy: Rohit did not suffer from epilepsy, and he never had any fits which pointed to the same. In several national newspapers, there was talk about his "history of epilepsy". Please do not be misled by these reports. The head injury was sustained when Rohit fell off a rickshaw and fell near the LLR gate.
2. Injury sustained while playing basketball: Once again, courtesy our newspapers. This is an absolute falsehood, as confirmed by Rohit's friends.
3. "Expired" medicines provided at BC Roy: One newspaper claimed that expired medicines were provided at the BC Roy hospital.... but there has been no proof to indicate that this is indeed the case.
4. DOSA got slapped: There have been whispers about how Prof. D.K. Tripathy, the(former) Dean of Student Affairs, was physically abused as he was leaving TOAT yesterday night upon the conclusion of the Open House meeting. This is not true.... neither the Dean, nor any other member of the faculty/administration was physically abused.
5. Insti snapped LAN connections: Nearly all the newspapers claimed that the Institute snapped the Internet connections to prevent "students from being united" .....but in fact, this was suggested to the Institute by the students.
However, there are a few facts which are in dispute... some rumours which are actually true.
1. Media initiated the stone pelting: The first stone thrown in the direction of the Director's house was indeed hurled by a member of the press. This individual's fate remains unknown.
2. Discouraging Candle march : The candle light protest march was indeed discouraged by the Hall Presidents(and not under any kind of pressure from the insti...) when they unanimously agreed, in a meeting that a gathering of such magnitude could soon escalate into further chaos and possibly violence, given the abundance of naked flames....
3. The press release: The Press Release has been concluded by the Institute at 5pm.
More on the steps we must take this space.
Minutes of Board Meeting held at 23rd March, 2009
1) Prof. M. Chakraborty, Director (Acting)
2) Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Registrar
3) Prof. P.P. Chakrabarti, Member, Board of Governors & Dean, SRIC
4) Prof. Sanat K. Ray, Member, Board of Governors
5) Prof. S.K. Som, Dean, Under Graduate Studies
6) Prof. R.N. Datta, Dean, Faculty & Planning
7) Prof. Amit Patra, Dean, Alumni Affairs & International Relations
8) Prof. Manish Bhattacharya, President, Technology Students’ Gymkhana
9) Prof. S.K. Bhattacharyya, Chairman, Civil Construction & Maintenance
10) Prof. N.R. Mandal, Head, Dept. of Ocean Engg. & Naval Architecture
11) Prof. A. K. Ghosh, Head, Dept. of Biotechnology
12) Prof. A.K. Chattopadhyay, Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
13) Prof. B. Maity, Professor-in-Charge, Transport
14) Dr. N. K. Som, Head, B.C. Roy Technology Hospital
15) Mr. U. P. Singh, Security Officer
16) Mr. Arnav, Vice-President, Technology Students’ Gymkhana
17) Other Student Representatives
The following were the points discussed and resolved :
1) One-man Enquiry Committee be appointed preferably with a retired High Court Level Judge to enquire into entire episode of 22nd March 2009 leading to the resignation of Prof. D. Acharya as Director of the Institute. However necessary permission for appointment will be obtained. The Enquiry Committee shall be given thirty days from the date of appointment for the work.
2) Prof. N.R. Mandal, Head, Dept. of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture be requested to coordinate with the district hospital, local authorities and parents of Rohit Kumar and also render all assistance to his parents.
3) Mr. N.R. Maity, Deputy Registrar (Academic) be requested to coordinate on behalf of the students with Insurance Company to expedite the claim processing including the present case of Rohit Kumar. Mr. Kumar Ritwik, one of the students will be a students’ coordinator for all students insurance policy matters. One responsible employee of the Institute be appointed as Liaison Officer for the purpose of Insurance Policy related matters like admitting in hospital, ambulance arrangement, payments, filing of claims, etc. He will work under the overall supervision of the Deputy Registrar, Academic.
4) Institute has been making all efforts to have a Multi-speciality Hospital at IIT Kharagpur during the past few years. The following hospital/individual were contacted in this connection :
a) Narayana Hrudalaya, Bangalore
b) Kanchi Kamkoti Trust, Kanchipuram
c) Sri Satya Sai Central Trust, Puttabarthy
d) Apollo Group, Hyderabad
e) Manipal Hospital, Manipal
f) Dr. Satadal Saha, Jubilant First Trust Healthcare Ltd., Kolkata
A committee of representatives from RBI Salboni, Tata Metaliks, Jindal Steel, AFS Kalaikunda, AFS Salua, Bharat Forge, Tata Hitachi, Tata Bearing, S.E. Railway, State Hospital, Midnapore Medical College & Hospital have been involved in the discussion. However, we are yet to reach a final shape on the issue.
5) Simultaneously, a 24X7 pharmacy can be set up at B.C. Roy Technology Hospital and
operationalised within 30 days.
6) A Diagnostic Centre be set up at IIT Kharagpur. The Diagnostic Centre shall be managed by a professional group. In the meantime the existing pathology laboratories at the hospital be upgraded. Dr. N.K. Som will prepare a blueprint of the proposed upgradation of pathology unit at B.C. Roy Technology Hospital including manpower requirements. This blueprint should be done with 15 days.
7) Some of the NGOs/Trusts for exploring the possibility of providing medical facility at IIT Kharagpur. Students may also help identify possible NGO/Trusts in this regard. Institute will work towards setting up a hospital at Kharagpur, to be run by a professional group who specializes in this area.
8) Commanding Officer, AFS Kalaikunda, be contacted for possible use of the medical facility availability there by IIT Kharagpur community including Air Ambulance, if available.
9) The following committee be appointed to work out the number and type of ambulances required :
a) Prof. B. Maiti, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. - Chairman
b) Prof. M. Bhattacharyya, President, TSG - Member
c) Mr. Alok, Students’ Representative - Member
d) A student with medical background - Member
They should submit the report including full specification for purchase by 31st March 2009. The procurement etc. shall be initiated by 1st week of April 2009.
10) Head, B.C. Roy Technology Hospital should ensure that the doctors and staff make conscious efforts to win the confidence of campus community.
11) The existing hospital management committee shall be expanded incorporating Vice President TSG and four other students to be nominated by Vice President.
12) Prof. B.K. Mathur be requested to crate a web based suggestions/complaint box for B.C. Roy Technology Hospital. The suggestions/complaints received shall be placed to the committee for immediate redressal. Prof. Mathur with the help of BCRTH doctors may also provide the medical data base of doctors/diagnostic centres/hospitals at Kharagpur/Midnapore and Kolkata to the community including the web.
13) An alert-helpline be created in the emergency of B.C. Roy Technology Hospital in line with helpline created by Security Section. Institute shall provide additional manpower for helpline and rendering other assistance to emergency patients.
14) The emergency unit should have a round the clock medical officer. The Institute will advertise Medical Officer positions to be filled on contract basis to overcome the present situation. We can also explore getting doctors on deputation from central/state governments.
15) Institute should appoint an external professional agency/expert to study the present facilities at BCRTH and suggest possible improvements.
16) Chairman BoG, Mr. B. Muthuraman, who is abroad, has been apprised and is deeply concerned. He is planning to return as soon as possible and will come to IIT Kharagpur immediately on return. He has asked a senior doctor of Tata Main Hospital to immediately come to IIT Kharagpur to assess the BCRT Hospital’s working.
17) Institute decided to send a message of condolence to the parents of Rohit Kumar.